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Animal Happenings: A News Roundup

Updated: Dec 4, 2021

Welcome to our second installment of Animal Happenings! We've scoured the interwebs to find the most recent animal news of interests, so you don't have to. Sit back and enjoy these good reads!

Featured Story:

Annual Monarch Butterfly Migration Sees Boosted Numbers for First Time in Years

In this uplifting article, NPR reports that the annual migration of monarch butterflies to coastal California – the numbers of which has plummeted a devastating 99% in recent years from the million plus that made the journey in the 1980s and '90s – appear to be rebounding.

According to the article, less than 2,000 butterflies made the journey last year. This year, volunteers across California have already counted more than 100,000 monarchs. They will continue counting until December 5.

It's impossible to know what has caused the resurgence, but if you would like to help bring their numbers up, you can help by planting native milkweed and flowers in your yard.

Local / New Mexico News:

Albuquerque Animal Welfare Kicks Off Its 'Operation Silent Night' (KRQE)

The Animal Welfare Organization is calling for donations of cat and dog toys, beds, and blankets this holiday season. Read about it here.

Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department Declares Black Friday Adoption Event a Success (KRQE)

The Animal Welfare Department found homes for more 187 animals this weekend in its Black Friday Adoption Event. Read about it here.

National News:

Wildlife Agencies Rush to Feed Starving Manatees in Florida (NPR)

A massive die-off of seagrass in shallow, coastal areas is leaving manatees without enough food to survive. The federal government is joining with regional wildlife agencies to respond to the crisis. Read about it here.

Gift Ideas to Ease Pets' Anxiety As People Head Back to the Office (US News)

US News offers suggestions of gifts to keep pets content as more offices across the country reopen and humans return to work. Read about it here.

New Orleans Zoo Welcomes Jaguar Cub Rescued From Trafficking (NPR)

The 7-month-old female jaguar was rescued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, which asked the Louisiana zoo to take her in, officials announced on Thursday. Read about it here.

Global News:

Antarctic Penguin Washes Ashore in New Zealand, 2,000 Miles From Home (NBC News)

The Adélie penguin, which is native to Antarctica, washed up on the coast of New Zealand on Wednesday. Read about it here.

Outdoor Pet Cats Spreading Brain Parasite To Wildlife (Smithsonian Magazine)

A new study suggests free-roaming cats could be to blame for the spread of a potentially dangerous brain parasite to wild animals. Read about it here.

Looking for more animal news and research? Head to our “Learn” page! And if you come upon some news worth sharing with the world of animal lovers, drop us a line! We’ll be sure to put it up on our site. Thanks for reading!


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