We have been coming across a ton of noteworthy news and research articles as of late and want to share them with you, our dear readers. Read on for some fascinating animal happenings from around the web!
Featured Story:
A Comprehensive Guide to Ground Nesting bees
(Happy DIY Home)
You may remember our blog post from July on the fabulous lives of bees in New Mexico, the idea for which stemmed from a happy encounter with ground nesting bees on a hike through the Sandia Mountains. (If you didn’t read the post, check it out here!)
We were delighted to hear from the folks at Happy DIY Home this week who shared with us their recent article on How to Attract Ground Nesting Bees.
“If you want to learn more about this incredible species this article will explain everything you need to know. From identifying their nests to how to encourage more pollinators to visit your garden, this is your guide to ground nesting bees.”
Thanks for sharing, Happy DIY Home!
Local / New Mexico News:
Albuquerque Students Discover Rodent Not Yet Recorded in Bernalillo County (KRQE)
A student at Bosque School discovers a hispid cotton mouse on campus, a rodent which has never been recorded in Bernalillo County, during biology class. Read about it here.
Animal Welfare Requiring Appointment for Intakes as Shelters Remain Full (KRQE)
A new policy requires appointments in order to surrender stray animals as shelters struggle to keep up with demands. Read about it here.
Rare Mountain Chipmunk Facing Extinction in New Mexico’s Lincoln Forest (Carlsbad Current Argus)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week recommended listing the Penasco least chipmunk, native to the Sacramento Mountains in southern NM, as endangered and sought restrictions on about 6,500 acres in the mountain region near Lincoln National Forest. Read about it here.
National News:
The Most Endangered Animals By State (USA Today)
USA Today details the most endangered species across the U.S. after federal wildlife officials announce the “presumed extinction” of 22 species. Read about it here.
The Controversial Plan to Reintroduce Jaguars in the U.S. (Vox)
Jaguars from Mexico have been making appearances north of the border in Arizona, garnering media buzz. Vox writes about plans to potentially reintroduce big cats, which used to roam as far north as the Grand Canyon, to a 20-million-acre swath dubbed the Central Arizona/New Mexico Recovery Area, or CANRA. Read about it here.
How Wildfires Impact Wildlife (Santa Fe New Mexican)
The New Mexican examines whether wildfires do more harm or help for wildlife species, as wildlife centers across the country continue to care for animals injured in this year’s raging wildfires. (Don’t worry, it’s not all bad news.) Read about it here.
(Interested in reading more on this topic? Check out our recent blog post on what happens to animals during a wildfire.)
Why Bats are the Real Superheroes of the Animal World (National Geographic)
In celebration of National Bat Week (October 24-31) and Halloween, of course, take a look at National Geographic’s piece on how bats are “showing us how to live a better life” for some truly remarkable bat facts. Read about it here.
Scientists Study the Rhythm of Singing Lemurs in Madagascar (The New York Times)
Researchers in the Netherlands have found the first non-human species -- the indri -- that appears to follow the beat while singing. The discovery, they say, can provide insight into our own evolution. Read about it here.
Looking for more animal news and research? Head to our “Learn” page! And if you come upon some news worth sharing with the world of animal lovers, drop us a line! We’ll be sure to put it up on our site. Thanks for reading!